lumen foxx

booking information
To celebrate my completion of three years in the modeling industry, as of August 1st 2024, my rates and genres have altered:
Rates per Genre:
*2-hour minimum*
Clothed Styles
fashion, boudoir, swim suit, sport/fitness and up to topless implied.
Art Nude
includes en pointe shoes
body scapes
Newly Updated Genres:
Sensual Art
includes nude positions with open leg poses
Erotic Art
concepts that are built around sexual themes
open to all concepts on base by base
This genre is a new development in my career as I am a fan of erotic art. However, because this is a genre that involves more intimate topics and settings, I will be taking submissions to ensure both artists share the same visions.
I have created mood boards that will give examples of my boundaries and an overall structure of what I believe is a beautiful example of this art form. Mood board supplied upon submission and request. I’m excited about the challenge of creating these concepts while remaining within the framework of true art. The challenge is to create images that capture evocative energy, mood and moments with implications of what has been, will be or already is. The focus is creating images that share enough for the imagination to wonder and build curiosity but never crossing the line of eroticism into the explicit zone.
I look forward to seeing the ideas and inspirations from those who are willing to dabble in this genre with me.
*I reserve the right to be selective*
*negotiations may be considered based on full day hires or project theme*
*genres may be mixed for shoots that include multiple hours*
*2 hour minimum*
*no explicit work* ​​
Booking fee required: $50
Cash preferred, Venmo and Paypal accepted but transaction fee included
If canceled by the model, it will be refunded.
If canceled by the photographer, it is non-refundable.
Half the shoot fee is required if canceled within one week before shoot.
The entire shoot fee is required if canceled within 48 hours of the shoot.